Protect your home this season with our tips for Winter home maintenance!

Prevent and Protect Roof Leaks

  • Winter roof leaks can be a serious problem. A few of the common culprits are ice dams, clogged gutters, condensation, and damaged shingles. Professional inspections can protect you from fire, mold and structural damage. Hire a professional roofing service check your roof for holes to keep water out.

Seal Out Pests

  • Unlike other animals, mice do not hibernate in the winter. It may be more likely to find mice in your home during the winter as they find a place to survive that has everything they need like shelter, warmth, and food. Mice can fit through dime-sized holes, so check where utilities and pipes enter your home. Call pest control at the first sign of unwanted guests.

Keep Pipes From Freezing

  • The three central causes of frozen pipes are quick drops in temperature, poor insulation and thermostats set too low. You can prepare your home during the warmer months. Insulate pipes. Pipe insulation in your home's crawl spaces and attic helps even if you live in a climate where freezing is uncommon. A 1/8” wide crack can leak 10 gallons of water per hour into your home. Have a plumber insulate the pipes in your basement and crawl spaces.

Keep Cool Air Out

  • There’s nothing like returning to a warm home when it’s freezing outside. Unfortunately, cold air has many sneaky ways to follow you inside. Blinds and curtains improve insulation by trapping cold air coming from your windows. For an upgrade or maintenance, look for window and blind services in your area.

Eliminate Electrical Hazards

  • Holiday lights may brighten spirits, but not if an overloaded circuit causes a power outage. Concerned that your holiday decor may overload your circuit? Have an electrician take a look before you plug it in.

Click the link below to look at our Residential Components Life Expectancy list to see if your home components may be in need of an upgrade or check-up.

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